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Stitch Count: 78 x 78
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and double leviathan.
Stitch Count: 77 x 82
Description: 27 count dirty linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include French knots, smyrna and eyelets.
Stitch Count: 195 x 138
Description: 32 count Dirty linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include eyelets and rice.
Stitch Count: 79 x 76
Description: 27 count Butternut hand-dyed linen from R & R Reproductions with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna. Includes wool.
Stitch Count: 81 x 58
Description: 35 count uneven linen by Graziano with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin.
Stitch Count: 80 x 87
Description: 40 count linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna.
Stitch Count: 62 x 64
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include smyrna.
Stitch Count: 95 x 101
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and elongated smyrna.
Stitch Count: 76 x 80
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna.
Stitch Count: 46 x 30
Description: Blue linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna. Includes button.
Stitch Count: 28 x 28
Description: 29 count Natural Glenshee linen from The Heart's Content with Gumnut Buds silk and silk ribbon from The Thread Gatherer. Stitches include French knots.
Stitch Count: 50 x 50
Description: 32 count Lagoon linen with Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include satin.
Stitch Count: 48 x 51
Description: 32 count Glenshee linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin and French knots.
Stitch Count: 69 x 71
Description: 32 count Glenshee linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, smyrna and eyelets.
Stitch Count: 80 x 89
Description: 32 count linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and spiderweb rosettes. Includes 2 buttons.
Stitch Count: 160 x 45
Description: 32 count Sand linen with Anchor floss.
Stitch Count: 128 x 19
Description: 32 count Willow Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include satin.
Stitch Count: 50 x 50
Description: 32 count Amehyst linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss.
Stitch Count: 35 x 23
Description: 32 count Antique Rose linen with Anchor floss.
Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count linen with Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include eyelets, satin, over one and four-sided.
Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include satin, eyelets and over one. Includes number chart for year.
Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include eyelets, satin, Kam's coils, over one and smyrna.
Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include eyelet, over one, satin and spiderweb rosettes.
Stitch Count: 68 x 71
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, over one, French knots and spiderweb rosettes.
Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, over one and spiderweb rosettes.
Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, over one and spiderweb rosettes.
Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count linen with Anchor floss and silk ribbon. Stitches include satin, spiderweb rosettes, over one and smyrna.
Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include satin, French knots and over one.
Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include eyelets, satin and over one.
Stitch Count: 70 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, French knots and smyrna.
Stitch Count: 71 x 69
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, smyrna and Kam's coils.
Stitch Count: 54 x 60
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include smyrna.
Stitch Count: 70 x 70
Description: 32 count River Willow linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss. Stitches include eyelets, rice and satin.
Stitch Count: 112 x 56
Description: 32 count Green Slate linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin. Includes 3 buttons.
Stitch Count: 139 x 147
Description: 28 count Champagne linen with Anchor floss amd Wildflowers from The Caron Collection. Stitches include French knots and smyrna.
Stitch Count: 30 x 24
Description: Anchor floss. Stitches include satin and smyrna.
Stitch Count: 125 x 135
Description: 32 count Periwinkle linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include satin and smyrna.
Stitch Count: 74 x 74
Description: 29 count Cherub's Kiss Glenshee linen from The Heart's Content with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include eyelets and smyrna.
Stitch Count: 50 x 50
Description: 32 count Cameo Rose Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and satin.
Stitch Count: 99 x 97
Description: 32 count hand-dyed linen or cream linen with DMC floss.
Stitch Count: 54 x 54
Description: 32 count natural glenshee linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin and spiderweb rosette.
Stitch Count: 112 x 80
Description: Hand-dyed linen or 18 count davos with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and satin.
Stitch Count: 147 x 85
Description: 32 count Vintage Wild Rose linen from Lakeside Linens with DMC or Anchor floss. Stitches include satin.
Stitch Count: 91 x 97
Description: 32 count Mocha Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin.
Stitch Count: 121 x 121
Description: 32 count Vintage linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, eyelets and over one.
Stitch Count: 69 x 77
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Bitty Bee buttons from Twisted Threads. Stitches include smyrna. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Stitch Count: 68 x 74
Description: Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include smyrna, satin and rhodes.
Stitch Count: 70 x 70
Description: 32 count Glenshee linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna, satin, four-sided, eyelets, over one and French knots.
Stitch Count: 83 x 42, 52 x 51
Description: Spring Two is stitched on 32 count yellow linen with Anchor floss or floss and stitches include smyrna. Bunny On Egg is stitched on 32 count Cotton Candy linen with Anchor floss.
Stitch Count: 57 x 58
Description: 32 count clay Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and rhodes. Includes 3 buttons.
Stitch Count: 131 x 128
Description: 35 xcount Glenshee linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna, eyelets and satin. Includes number chart for year.
Stitch Count: 88 x 74
Description: 32 count Tapestry Teal from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna.
Stitch Count: 152 x 51
Description: 32 count Cognac Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss and Mill Hill beads. Stitches include satin and eyelets.
Stitch Count: 73 x 63
Description: 32 count Light Examplar linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include rhodes, satin, over one and spiderweb rosettes.
Stitch Count: 120 x 60
Description: 32 count White linen by Graziano from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna. Includes button.
Stitch Count: 100 x 70
Description: 32 count Clay Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna, rhodes, satin, French knots and spiderweb rosettes.
Stitch Count: 129 x 63
Description: 35 count Clover hand-dyed linen from R & R Reproductions with Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include French knots.
Stitch Count: 69 x 68
Description: 32 count Mocha linen with Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include smyrna, satin and Kam's coils. Includes 2 buttons.
Stitch Count: 42 x 38
Description: 32 count Coral linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss. Stitches include itches include rhodes and French knots. Includes 4 buttons.
Stitch Count: 100 X 87
Description: 36 count Pewter Cervinia Italian linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, smyrna and rhodes.
Stitch Count: 51 x 80
Description: 32 count Bittersweet linen from Lakeside Linens with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art.
Stitch Count: 80 x 81
Description: 40 count linen with Anchor floss, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and silk ribbon from The Thread Gatherer. Stitches include satin, brick stitch, spiderweb rosettes, French knots and Kam's coils.
Stitch Count: 73 x 141
Description: 32 count Vintage linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, eyelet, double leviathan and French knots.
Sampler Pincushion - EEF137

Stitch Count: 78 x 78
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and double leviathan.
Sampler Star - EEF235

Stitch Count: 77 x 82
Description: 27 count dirty linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include French knots, smyrna and eyelets.
Sampler Tree - EEF114

Stitch Count: 195 x 138
Description: 32 count Dirty linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include eyelets and rice.
Scaredy Cat - EEF315

Stitch Count: 79 x 76
Description: 27 count Butternut hand-dyed linen from R & R Reproductions with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna. Includes wool.
Scary Cottage - EEF545

Stitch Count: 81 x 58
Description: 35 count uneven linen by Graziano with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin.
Scary Hag - EEF359

Stitch Count: 80 x 87
Description: 40 count linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna.
Scary Hare - EEF300

Stitch Count: 62 x 64
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include smyrna.
Scary Pumpkin - EEF283

Stitch Count: 95 x 101
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and elongated smyrna.
Scary Snowball - EEF287

Stitch Count: 76 x 80
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna.
Sheep Scissor Companion - EEF378

Stitch Count: 46 x 30
Description: Blue linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna. Includes button.
Silk Rose Scissor Companion - EEF410

Stitch Count: 28 x 28
Description: 29 count Natural Glenshee linen from The Heart's Content with Gumnut Buds silk and silk ribbon from The Thread Gatherer. Stitches include French knots.
Simple Heart - EEF534

Stitch Count: 50 x 50
Description: 32 count Lagoon linen with Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include satin.
Simple Sampler - EEF422

Stitch Count: 48 x 51
Description: 32 count Glenshee linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin and French knots.
Simply 855 - EEF431

Stitch Count: 69 x 71
Description: 32 count Glenshee linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, smyrna and eyelets.
Simply Snowman - EEF313

Stitch Count: 80 x 89
Description: 32 count linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and spiderweb rosettes. Includes 2 buttons.
Skip - EEF421

Stitch Count: 160 x 45
Description: 32 count Sand linen with Anchor floss.
Slim Jack - EEF437

Stitch Count: 128 x 19
Description: 32 count Willow Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include satin.
Slow Poke - EEF542

Stitch Count: 50 x 50
Description: 32 count Amehyst linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss.
Small Heart - EEF455

Stitch Count: 35 x 23
Description: 32 count Antique Rose linen with Anchor floss.
Small Sampler 1 - EEF143

Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count linen with Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include eyelets, satin, over one and four-sided.
Small Sampler 2 - EEF257

Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include satin, eyelets and over one. Includes number chart for year.
Small Sampler 3 - EEF222

Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include eyelets, satin, Kam's coils, over one and smyrna.
Small Sampler 4 - EEF273

Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include eyelet, over one, satin and spiderweb rosettes.
Small Sampler 5 - EEF306

Stitch Count: 68 x 71
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, over one, French knots and spiderweb rosettes.
Small Sampler 6 - EEF271

Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, over one and spiderweb rosettes.
Small Sampler 7 - EEF266

Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, over one and spiderweb rosettes.
Small Sampler 8 - EEF279

Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count linen with Anchor floss and silk ribbon. Stitches include satin, spiderweb rosettes, over one and smyrna.
Small Sampler 9 - EEF280

Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include satin, French knots and over one.
Small Sampler 10 - EEF295

Stitch Count: 71 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include eyelets, satin and over one.
Small Sampler 11 - EEF296

Stitch Count: 70 x 68
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, French knots and smyrna.
Small Sampler 12 - EEF297

Stitch Count: 71 x 69
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, smyrna and Kam's coils.
Snow Pea - EEF128

Stitch Count: 54 x 60
Description: 40 count Sandstone linen with Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include smyrna.
Snowbird - EEF523

Stitch Count: 70 x 70
Description: 32 count River Willow linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss. Stitches include eyelets, rice and satin.
Snowflake Man - EEF522

Stitch Count: 112 x 56
Description: 32 count Green Slate linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin. Includes 3 buttons.
Snowman In The Woods - EEF223

Stitch Count: 139 x 147
Description: 28 count Champagne linen with Anchor floss amd Wildflowers from The Caron Collection. Stitches include French knots and smyrna.
Snowman Scissor Companion - EEF133

Stitch Count: 30 x 24
Description: Anchor floss. Stitches include satin and smyrna.
Snowman's Wish - EEF443

Stitch Count: 125 x 135
Description: 32 count Periwinkle linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include satin and smyrna.
So Be It True - EEF303

Stitch Count: 74 x 74
Description: 29 count Cherub's Kiss Glenshee linen from The Heart's Content with Anchor floss and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include eyelets and smyrna.
Sparrow Scissor Companion - EEF387

Stitch Count: 50 x 50
Description: 32 count Cameo Rose Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and satin.
Special Day Sampler - EEF231

Stitch Count: 99 x 97
Description: 32 count hand-dyed linen or cream linen with DMC floss.
Spring Basket - EEF272

Stitch Count: 54 x 54
Description: 32 count natural glenshee linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin and spiderweb rosette.
Spring Egg - EEF138

Stitch Count: 112 x 80
Description: Hand-dyed linen or 18 count davos with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and satin.
Spring Fling - EEF554

Stitch Count: 147 x 85
Description: 32 count Vintage Wild Rose linen from Lakeside Linens with DMC or Anchor floss. Stitches include satin.
Spring Hare - EEF314

Stitch Count: 91 x 97
Description: 32 count Mocha Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin.
Spring House - EEF230

Stitch Count: 121 x 121
Description: 32 count Vintage linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, eyelets and over one.
Spring Primrose - EEF563

Stitch Count: 69 x 77
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Bitty Bee buttons from Twisted Threads. Stitches include smyrna. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Spring Sampler - EEF383

Stitch Count: 68 x 74
Description: Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include smyrna, satin and rhodes.
Spring Spot Sampler - EEF408

Stitch Count: 70 x 70
Description: 32 count Glenshee linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna, satin, four-sided, eyelets, over one and French knots.
Spring Two - EEF532

Stitch Count: 83 x 42, 52 x 51
Description: Spring Two is stitched on 32 count yellow linen with Anchor floss or floss and stitches include smyrna. Bunny On Egg is stitched on 32 count Cotton Candy linen with Anchor floss.
St. Nick Scissor Companion - EEF393

Stitch Count: 57 x 58
Description: 32 count clay Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna and rhodes. Includes 3 buttons.
Stanley Sampler - EEF226

Stitch Count: 131 x 128
Description: 35 xcount Glenshee linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna, eyelets and satin. Includes number chart for year.
Star Bright Snowman - EEF442

Stitch Count: 88 x 74
Description: 32 count Tapestry Teal from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna.
Summer Basket - EEF329

Stitch Count: 152 x 51
Description: 32 count Cognac Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss and Mill Hill beads. Stitches include satin and eyelets.
Summer Bungalow - EEF424

Stitch Count: 73 x 63
Description: 32 count Light Examplar linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include rhodes, satin, over one and spiderweb rosettes.
Summer Coneflower - EEF514

Stitch Count: 120 x 60
Description: 32 count White linen by Graziano from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna. Includes button.
Summer Days - EEF391

Stitch Count: 100 x 70
Description: 32 count Clay Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Anchor floss. Stitches include smyrna, rhodes, satin, French knots and spiderweb rosettes.
Summer Garden - EEF221

Stitch Count: 129 x 63
Description: 35 count Clover hand-dyed linen from R & R Reproductions with Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include French knots.
Summer House - EEF307

Stitch Count: 69 x 68
Description: 32 count Mocha linen with Anchor floss and Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include smyrna, satin and Kam's coils. Includes 2 buttons.
Summer Scissor Companion - EEF428

Stitch Count: 42 x 38
Description: 32 count Coral linen from Lakeside Linens with Anchor floss. Stitches include itches include rhodes and French knots. Includes 4 buttons.
Sweet Baby - EEF416

Stitch Count: 100 X 87
Description: 36 count Pewter Cervinia Italian linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, smyrna and rhodes.
Sweet Exemplary - EEF492

Stitch Count: 51 x 80
Description: 32 count Bittersweet linen from Lakeside Linens with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art.
Sweet Garden Be - EEF348

Stitch Count: 80 x 81
Description: 40 count linen with Anchor floss, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and silk ribbon from The Thread Gatherer. Stitches include satin, brick stitch, spiderweb rosettes, French knots and Kam's coils.
Sweet Remembrance - EEF134

Stitch Count: 73 x 141
Description: 32 count Vintage linen with Anchor floss. Stitches include satin, eyelet, double leviathan and French knots.