Click on any title to open the photo and description!

Stitch Count: 80 x 50
Description: 32 count Silk Sandstone linen from Wichelt Imports with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Checkered Heart Trinket (TR313) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 119 x 42
Description: 32 count Lambswool linen from Wichelt Imports with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, Weeks Dye Works, and Crescent Colours. Chart includes star charms. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread. Design can be personalized for your family.

Stitch Count: 81 x 52
Description: 32 count Sandstone linen from Wichelt Imports with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Bird Trinket (TR307) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 55 x 55
Description: 32 count Lambswool linen from Wichelt Imports with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Flower Trinket (TR321) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 31 x 177
Description: 32 count Flax Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Classic Colorworks, and Sampler Threads by The Gentle Art. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Chart includes a bonus design: twEEt
Stitch Count: 32 x 32

Stitch Count: 23 x 174
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads by The Gentle Art. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 23 x 174
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Crescent Colours, and DMC. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 66 x 66
Description: 32 count Dirty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include rhodes. Ken buttons from Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 87 x 120
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include rhodes, smyrna, satin, eyelet and over one. Square Heart (TR305), Tall Heart (TR316) and Starry Heart Trinkets (TR311) by The Trilogy.

Stitch Count: 88 x 88
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, Weeks Dye Works and DMC floss. Jack Trinket (TR320) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.

Stitch Count: 55 x 55
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Jack Trinket (TR320) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 49 x 57
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Gold Swirl Buttons (TR329) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 63 x 65
Description: 32 count Dirty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Three star charms included with chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 58 x 67
Description: 32 count Dirty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Antique Rose Ken buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 54 x 68
Description: 32 count Dirty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Flower charm included with chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 60 x 70
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Star button and beads are included with the chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 67 x 61
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Circle Star Trinket (TR309) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 58 x 66
Description: 32 count Natural Light linen from Wichelt Imports with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Star buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.

Stitch Count: 58 x 67
Description: 32 count Lambswool linen from Wichelt Imports with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Spike buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.

Stitch Count: 57 x 67
Description: 32 count Flax Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 49 x 61
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Jingle bell buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.

Stitch Count: 60 x 60
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with hand-dyed floss from Weeks Dye Works, The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Heart and bead embellishments included with the chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 58 x 66
Description: 32 count Toasted Almond Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Moon, star and heart buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.

Stitch Count: 54 x 67
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Star buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.

Stitch Count: 56 x 68
Description: 30 count hand-dyed Beige linen by Weeks Dye Works with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. 2 shamrock charms included with chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 53 x 59
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Flower Trinket (TR321) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 56 x 65
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and DMC. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 58 x 68
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 54 x 74
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Leaf trinket included with chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 55 x 76
Description: 32 count Clay Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Star trinket and beads included with chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 33 x 60
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Crescent Colours. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 41 x 41
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 60 x 60
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with hand-dyed floss from Weeks Dye Works, The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Bird and bead embellishments included with the chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 58 x 56
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include rhodes. Jingle bell charm. Frame by East Side Mouldings for over two model and Olde Colonial Designs for over one version.

Stitch Count: 55 x 55
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and DMC. Spoon Trinket (TR328) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 55 x 55
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Circle Star Trinket (TR309) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Our over one version shown in fluted star frame (TF06) by Twisted Threads.

Stitch Count: 81 x 71
Description: 32 count Flax Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with hand-dyed floss from Weeks Dye Works, The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Star and bead embellishments included with the chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 49 x 57
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Meadow Flower Buttons (TR303) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 55 x 55
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Square Heart Trinket (TR305) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 49 x 57
Description: 32 count Light Mocha Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and DMC. Gold Swirl Buttons (TR329) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 40 x 50
Description: 32 count Dirty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and DMC. Snowball Buttons (TR315) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 88 x 88
Description: 32 count Putty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, Weeks Dye Works and Crescent Colours. Gold Swirl Buttons (TR329) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.

Stitch Count: 40 x 50
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Spoon Trinket (TR328) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 62 x 60
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with hand-dyed floss from Weeks Dye Works, The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Acorn and bead embellishments included with the chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.

Stitch Count: 208 x 40
Individual Designs: 40 x 40
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Also shown on 27 count banding. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.

Stitch Count: 133 x 30 Alphabet Design, 46 x 43 Number Design
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frames by East Side Mouldings and Olde Colonial Designs. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.
Family - TR142

Stitch Count: 80 x 50
Description: 32 count Silk Sandstone linen from Wichelt Imports with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Checkered Heart Trinket (TR313) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Family Branch with Charms TR1230

Stitch Count: 119 x 42
Description: 32 count Lambswool linen from Wichelt Imports with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, Weeks Dye Works, and Crescent Colours. Chart includes star charms. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread. Design can be personalized for your family.
Friendship - TR128

Stitch Count: 81 x 52
Description: 32 count Sandstone linen from Wichelt Imports with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Bird Trinket (TR307) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Gardening Spots - TR143

Stitch Count: 55 x 55
Description: 32 count Lambswool linen from Wichelt Imports with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Flower Trinket (TR321) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Giggly Wigglies - Birds & Tweet TR1254

Stitch Count: 31 x 177
Description: 32 count Flax Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Classic Colorworks, and Sampler Threads by The Gentle Art. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Chart includes a bonus design: twEEt
Stitch Count: 32 x 32
Giggly Wigglies - Penguins TR1252

Stitch Count: 23 x 174
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads by The Gentle Art. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Giggly Wigglies - Snowmen TR1251

Stitch Count: 23 x 174
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Crescent Colours, and DMC. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Glory - TR107

Stitch Count: 66 x 66
Description: 32 count Dirty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include rhodes. Ken buttons from Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Grateful Hearts - TR101

Stitch Count: 87 x 120
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works. Stitches include rhodes, smyrna, satin, eyelet and over one. Square Heart (TR305), Tall Heart (TR316) and Starry Heart Trinkets (TR311) by The Trilogy.
Halloween Lineup - TR174

Stitch Count: 88 x 88
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, Weeks Dye Works and DMC floss. Jack Trinket (TR320) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.
Halloween Spots - TR134

Stitch Count: 55 x 55
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Jack Trinket (TR320) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Halloween Tree: Spooky TR187

Stitch Count: 49 x 57
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Gold Swirl Buttons (TR329) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Black Black Cat Day TR1236

Stitch Count: 63 x 65
Description: 32 count Dirty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Three star charms included with chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Bunny Bunny Day - TR115

Stitch Count: 58 x 67
Description: 32 count Dirty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Antique Rose Ken buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Buzz Buzz Day with charm TR1229

Stitch Count: 54 x 68
Description: 32 count Dirty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Flower charm included with chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Chirp Chirp Day with charms TR1232

Stitch Count: 60 x 70
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Star button and beads are included with the chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Dad Dad Day - TR170

Stitch Count: 67 x 61
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Circle Star Trinket (TR309) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Flag Flag Day - TR117

Stitch Count: 58 x 66
Description: 32 count Natural Light linen from Wichelt Imports with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Star buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.
Happy Gobble Gobble Day - TR119

Stitch Count: 58 x 67
Description: 32 count Lambswool linen from Wichelt Imports with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Spike buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.
Happy Heart Heart Day - TR125

Stitch Count: 57 x 67
Description: 32 count Flax Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Ho Ho Day - TR135

Stitch Count: 49 x 61
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Jingle bell buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.
Happy Home {everyday} - TR1239

Stitch Count: 60 x 60
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with hand-dyed floss from Weeks Dye Works, The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Heart and bead embellishments included with the chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Home Home Day - TR181

Stitch Count: 58 x 66
Description: 32 count Toasted Almond Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Moon, star and heart buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.
Happy Jack Jack Day - TR148

Stitch Count: 54 x 67
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Star buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.
Happy Jig Jig Day with charm TR1228

Stitch Count: 56 x 68
Description: 30 count hand-dyed Beige linen by Weeks Dye Works with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. 2 shamrock charms included with chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Mom Mom Day - TR169

Stitch Count: 53 x 59
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Flower Trinket (TR321) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Nativity Nativity Day - TR1247

Stitch Count: 56 x 65
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and DMC. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Snow Snow Day - TR165

Stitch Count: 58 x 68
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Thankful Thankful Day TR1243

Stitch Count: 54 x 74
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Leaf trinket included with chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Happy Whoo Whoo Day TR1246

Stitch Count: 55 x 76
Description: 32 count Clay Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Star trinket and beads included with chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Holiday Reminder: Believe - TR1249

Stitch Count: 33 x 60
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Crescent Colours. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Holiday Reminder: Dream - TR1248

Stitch Count: 41 x 41
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
It's a Beautiful Day {everyday}

Stitch Count: 60 x 60
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with hand-dyed floss from Weeks Dye Works, The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Bird and bead embellishments included with the chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Jingle - TR103

Stitch Count: 58 x 56
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Stitches include rhodes. Jingle bell charm. Frame by East Side Mouldings for over two model and Olde Colonial Designs for over one version.
Kitchen Spots TR184

Stitch Count: 55 x 55
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and DMC. Spoon Trinket (TR328) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Liberty Spots - TR116

Stitch Count: 55 x 55
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Circle Star Trinket (TR309) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Our over one version shown in fluted star frame (TF06) by Twisted Threads.
Liberty2 TR1233

Stitch Count: 81 x 71
Description: 32 count Flax Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with hand-dyed floss from Weeks Dye Works, The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Star and bead embellishments included with the chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Love Tree TR192

Stitch Count: 49 x 57
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Meadow Flower Buttons (TR303) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Lucky Spots - TR153

Stitch Count: 55 x 55
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Square Heart Trinket (TR305) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Lucky Tree TR193

Stitch Count: 49 x 57
Description: 32 count Light Mocha Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and DMC. Gold Swirl Buttons (TR329) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Momma Bette (Snow Family) TR183

Stitch Count: 40 x 50
Description: 32 count Dirty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and DMC. Snowball Buttons (TR315) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Nativity Lineup TR1205

Stitch Count: 88 x 88
Description: 32 count Putty Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, Weeks Dye Works and Crescent Colours. Gold Swirl Buttons (TR329) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.
Neighbor Ray (Snow Family) TR185

Stitch Count: 40 x 50
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works, Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Spoon Trinket (TR328) by The Trilogy. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Nice to Meet You {everyday} - TR1234

Stitch Count: 62 x 60
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with hand-dyed floss from Weeks Dye Works, The Gentle Art, and Crescent Colours. Acorn and bead embellishments included with the chart. Frame by East Side Mouldings.
Ornamentology - TR122

Stitch Count: 208 x 40
Individual Designs: 40 x 40
Description: 32 count Natural Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. Also shown on 27 count banding. Frame by East Side Mouldings. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.
Out Of The Box - TR109

Stitch Count: 133 x 30 Alphabet Design, 46 x 43 Number Design
Description: 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen by Zweigart from Norden Crafts with Weeks Dye Works and Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. Buttons by Just Another Button Company. Frames by East Side Mouldings and Olde Colonial Designs. Design can be stitched either over two linen threads or over one linen thread.